Who We Are
Where does the name REHOBOTH (ree-HOE-buth) come from?
“And he removed from thence, and dug another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it REHOBOTH; and he said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.” Genesis 26:22
Holy Temple Church of God in Christ couldn’t have been possible without the leadership and support of Bishop C.C. Cox.
The first services were held in a small church with one entrance and one window, located across the bridge or ditch at 765 North Street (now called Kuenzli Street).
The church building was wooden, with a basement made out of rock. Holy Temple initially rented the basement from another church that held services upstairs, but later moved to the upper portion of the building.

Our Mission
“The mission of Rehoboth Holy Temple Church of God in Christ is to know God… make disciples… and do it God’s way.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matthew 28: 19-20
Our Vision
- To have a church where God’s glory abides.
- To have a church where people can worship and be fed the Word of God.
- To be a loving, family oriented and unified church.
- To operate a facility where the hungry can be fed and the naked clothed.
- To have an impact on our community through the evangelistic ministry by:
- Training members to witness and win souls for Christ
- Supporting foreign missions
- Visiting hospitals, prisons, jails and convalescent homes
- To have an Outreach and In-reach ministry and provide Bible based counseling for all people.
- To operate a Bible College to teach, train and prepare people in the Word of God.
- To teach and train youth in the way of God and how to reach other youth.
- To operate in a healing and deliverance ministry. Habakkuk 2:2
Our History

1941 - 1978
From 1941-1948, Holy Temple Church of God in Christ was lead and supported by Bishop C.C. Cox. From 1949 to 1951, Bishop Cox appointed Pastor John Brown and Pastor Thompson (Elder Crosby’s brother-in-law), to oversee the church. In 1951, Bishop Cox appointed Elder E.N. Webb as pastor. Pastor Webb served the church faithfully from 1951 to 1969. At the start of his ministry at the church, he had one deacon “Deacon Powell’ and one church mother “Mother Thompson”. It was through Pastor Webb’s leadership and vision that the construction for the new edifice began. To meet the needs of the people and the community, in which Holy Temple served, Pastor Webb, along with the help of Deacon Powell and others, dug the foundation for the new facility, a facility which hosted many District meetings and held the first State Youth Congress around 1955. Pastor Webb served faithfully to the call of God and well carried out His commands. In 1969, upon the demise of Bishop Cox, Pastor Webb was called for a greater work in the office of Bishop for the State of Nevada. Upon his appointment, Bishop Webb moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, and Elder Leonard Pleasant was appointed pastor of Holy Temple and served faithfully for 10 years. He worked hard and under his leadership the feeding program was started and the mortgage for the church was paid.

1979 - 1998
In 1979, due to health reasons, Elder Pleasant resigned as pastor and Bishop Webb appointed Elder Luther DuPree Jr. pastor of Holy Temple. Under his leadership, in 1988, the name “Rehoboth” was added to Holy Temple. “For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land” (Genesis 26:22). Rehoboth Holy Temple was the first to sponsor a Women’s Convention and a Family & Friends Day program. The church has sponsored various feeding programs, and continues to supply food when called upon. The church assists in supplying clothing, and household furnishing to individuals in need. Rehoboth-Holy Temple continues to help the indigent or stranded get to their destination. The church is also involved in prison ministry, giving hope to those behind bars for their release back into society.
Kuenzli Street was the home site for Holy Temple for 33 years, but in 1984, because of growth and the lack of availability for parking, the building and property were sold. Since the move from 765 Kuenzli Street, Holy Temple has held services at 1875 Oddie Blvd, 3200 Sutro Street; 600 South Center Street, 385 Gentry Way, and the current worship facility 700C Smithridge Drive, Reno, Nevada.

1999 - Present
This location, since 1999, is the home which the Rehoboth Holy Temple family purchased. The goal of the church is to expand the facility while continuing to provide services within the community by touching hearts, changing lives and winning souls for Christ.